20 March 2007


I am proud to announce the official launch of One Million Blogs for Peace!

Please check the website for newly updated content, including links to participating blogs and the first Tuesday Topic (which will be cross-posted here shortly).

Thank you to everyone who has signed up as an Inblogural. There are 217 Inblogurals, representing 28 countries. 180 of them represent 5 combatant countries (USA, UK, Australia, Romania, and Armenia). 37 represent 23 non-combatant countries.

As the fact that we have only a fraction of 1% of our 1,000,000-blog goal should indicate, most of our work is still ahead of us. Please continue to spread the word and get involved. Tuesday Topics will be a good way of keeping your content relevant to the movement every week. If you have any comments or suggestions about how to improve involvement, please let me know!

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06 March 2007

Two Weeks Till Launch!

Just two weeks to go until the official launch of One Million Blogs for Peace! That means you have less than 14 days to secure your position as an Inblogural.

That also puts us two weeks away from the first weekly Tuesday Topic, which will be a specific subject to blog about every Tuesday. This optional part of our project will help keep people focused on talking about the Iraq War and ways to end it.

Keep spreading the word! Don't let your friends miss out on being an Inblogural!

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01 March 2007


The word is starting to get out. The list of Inblogurals is piling up. I really appreciate everyone who has been out there linking and promoting One Million Blogs for Peace.

We still have a long way to go, though. We're not close to a percentage point of the 1,000,000 target yet. Keep spreading the word!

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17 February 2007

Welcome to One Million Blogs for Peace!

We are officially launching the preliminary sign-ups for One Million Blogs for Peace today. You have 30 days to sign-up and cement your status as an "Inblogural".

Please feel free to comment with questions or feedback, or send either to peace@bluepyramid.org.

Keep checking back at this blog for more information about the movement.

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