During the Snow

A visual follow-up to Before the Snow… Living room in blue. Shed a little light on the subject. Fire in an empty theater. Dis mantle. Nesbitt waits patiently… …grabs for the burrito… …and wonders why the burrito was taken away.…

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Before the Snow

The conflagration crackles in the cast-iron fireplace. The tabby lounges on the table, soaking up the radiant warmth from its glow at a safe, unsingeworthy distance. Later he will rise and stretch, his yawn revealing sharp fangs that have never…

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What I’ve Learned in the Last 48 Hours

There seems to be a directly proportional (or close) relationship between pain and learning. Or at least challenge and growth. Our muscles exist as a metaphor for the way we are supposed to advance ourselves. With the tearing of new…

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Land of Enchantment in Forty Flicks

My month-long return to Nuevo Mexico is off to a bit of a rough start. I just can’t seem to get in an emotional groove I feel good about. Someone or other told me the first holiday season would be…

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Hearts and Minds

There is something afoot in America right now. It’s hard for me to focus on it right now, because much is going on in my life, but I can’t just overlook what’s going on out there altogether. It’s important. It’s…

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“New” Mexico

I am safely ensconced at the homestead in Albuquerque after arriving here late Tuesday. I have very mixed feelings about most everything, but it’s good to see the fam and their cat and get green chile and I’ve been able…

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