A Day in the Life, Upcoming Projects

Emily’s Summer Plans!

I am proud to announce that Emily has secured an internship for the summer and will be spending early June through mid-August in Liberia.

If you’ve forgotten which country that is, here’s a refresher:

You’re Liberia!
Free at last, free at last, thank God almighty, you are free at last. You’ve said this many times in your life, but today you’re really hoping that it sticks. As a child, you ran away from injustice and oppression, only to
find new forms of it as you became older. Despite your many pains and struggles, you have eternally turned a hopeful eye to the future. You have long felt tied to those who first held you down, but their help has been dubious at best. Your favorite book is Roots.

Take the Country Quiz II at the Blue Pyramid

You could even celebrate with a T-shirt.

In all seriousness, though, I’m very excited for her, though not wild about how much of the summer we’ll likely be spending apart. This should fill in the details of my summer pretty quickly, though, which will lead to further announcements before too long. We’re both elated, though, to finally add Africa to our list of continents visited.

She will be working for the Liberian government directly, in their National Capacity Development Unit. More details to follow at some point on what exactly this entails.

April, you seem to be doing your best to make a late save here. I like it.

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