
It’s probably no mystery that debate has been my primary focus this month, at least during the time that I’m not feeling surreal and/or migrainous. Between driving 7 hours to a tournament the first weekend, hosting our tournament the second,…

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Thursday Round-Up

From time to time, I feel the need to post a rambly cattle-call of happenings in my life and links around the web. I should start designating a day to do this and making it something like a regular feature,…

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Perverse Incentives

In the past few years, Emily and I have never quite managed to get our taxes paid in full via check withholding. For a long time, the culprit was the division of her paycheck into two sources of income –…

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Zimmy Wins First BP March Madness Challenge

Congratulations go to Adam “Zimmy” Zimmerman, the grand prize winner of this year’s first-ever Blue Pyramid University Quiz March Madness Challenge. Zimmy wins an Amazon gift certificate and the adulation of hoops bracketeers everywhere. Zim-Zim the Mayonnaise Man News of…

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