That Old East Wind’s a-Gonna Blow…

This morning dawned unseasonably warm and strangely lit, with a strong wind blowing in from the east. I don’t know about you, but I grew up especially cognizant of east winds. They represent a reversal of order, a wind of…

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Cleanup on Aisle 6

Coming up from the train this morning, I walked my usual path through Powell Street Station, winding to the right and up the mini-escalator to a little landing before the second mini-escalator. On said landing were two orange cones, pretty…

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There’s this great scene in a recent great movie (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button) about timing and the house-of-cards nature of our worlds. One thing bounces just the wrong way, leading to another thing bouncing just the wrong way,…

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Of Emus and Bats

I have approximately negative time to post this morning, but there are two things that I just have to post: 1. New Look for Old Bird: The Mep Report got a facelift, courtesy of the efforts/urgings of Mepper Russ Gooberman…

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