Wednesday’s Child

I have posted just three prior days this month. Two of them were Wednesdays. As an actual Wednesday’s child, perhaps it’s destiny. Guess what day it is today? I’ve been wanting to write more than I have – I’ve even…

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Catch Twenty-Two Pictures

Yesterday, I wrote 2,944 words about our trip so far. Today, as the old adage goes, I will add 22,000 or so. But you know what I think of that adage. I guess this is for those who disagree with…

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The Sojourn So Far

About a week into the trip and still in the state of California. The smart money says we better get out of here before the state officially secedes by printing its own currency. If you think IOU’s can’t be considered…

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On the Road Again

We have departed from Berkeley for our 6-week, 16-state tour of eastward travel. The last week has been filled with incredibly busy days and nights of packing, shipping, cleaning, and saying goodbye. Sometimes there just isn’t enough time (or a…

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Summer Sojourn Tour Dates Announced!

Garage sale was a big success, though we wound up exhausted and sunburned when it was all said and done. I’m now sitting on a stepladder at our computer, but getting rid of so much furniture was a huge relief…

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