
Yes, I will be back to major posting sometime soonish. It is March, after all, and in force. But I am hamstrung and that limits creativity. For a variety of reasons, I have to keep many secrets in my life…

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Nothing to Say Here

Let’s just say it’s a good thing that I’m not trying to write full-time right now. I just don’t have much of anything to say. I turned 29 last Friday. Emily pulled off the first surprise party I think I’d…

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What Just Happened

Been a little while since I posted. I haven’t exactly had blogger’s block, but I also haven’t felt particularly like crafting any vignettes about my life either. One of those periods of time where I’m sort of glad that I…

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They’re Just as Suspicious as the Rest of Us

It’s simply miserable in San Francisco today. It’s cold and rainy and the type of weather that most anywhere except this good-weather-forsaken vortex known as the Bay Area would bring thoughts and hopes of overnight snow to salvage the otherwise…

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TMR Posts, vol. 1

Can’t get enough of my opinion? Ha ha! If so, head on over to The Mep Report, for new quick-hitting posts like this one, which I almost cross-posted here. It’s mostly going to be stuff like obvious news stories and…

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Cleanup on Aisle 6

Coming up from the train this morning, I walked my usual path through Powell Street Station, winding to the right and up the mini-escalator to a little landing before the second mini-escalator. On said landing were two orange cones, pretty…

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Of Emus and Bats

I have approximately negative time to post this morning, but there are two things that I just have to post: 1. New Look for Old Bird: The Mep Report got a facelift, courtesy of the efforts/urgings of Mepper Russ Gooberman…

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People Die Every Day

While in line at Chipotle today, I read their sign announcing early closure on New Year’s Eve and complete closure on New Year’s Day. The final sentence read: We sincerely hope you can survive waiting a couple days for your…

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Just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas (for those interested in such) and an even Merrier Christmas Eve, which we all know (at least in New Mexico) is the real holiday. There is some debate from past years as…

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Programming Note: Noon (Pacific) Today

If you’re going to be on a computer today, you’ll want to do this at noon (Pacific Standard Time) today: 1. Go to 2. Watch. I don’t sponsor or endorse the site fully, though I did just hear that…

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