The Problem is Poverty

Domestically, we have one disease that kills more people than any other. That imprisons people in a life that falls short of their potential, that forces people into crime, addiction, homelessness, and illness. It’s a scourge upon men, women, and…

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Volkswagen and Corporate Impunity

“Corporation, n.: an ingenious device for obtaining individual profit without individual responsibility.” -Ambrose Bierce, The Devil’s Dictionary, 1911 The only thing shocking about the recent incident involving Volkswagen lying about the emissions of their so-called “clean diesel” vehicles is that…

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Democracy at the Crossroads

“Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.” -Winston Churchill It is the fundamental human assumption that one lives at the time of terminal understanding of the world, the universe, and human affairs. This, I think,…

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Free (Market) Fallin’

Who doesn’t love Tom Petty? I realize that what I’m about to discuss is not a glib and lighthearted topic for most of you out there. Largely because of the reasons I discussed here six months ago, involving retirement accounts…

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I promise this isn’t just becoming a Donald Trump blog. Though it would be a way to get more traffic. Trump is one of two candidates in the race, along with the person I actually support, Bernie Sanders, who is…

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Finance Lessons

I don’t know when we decided that someone’s moral worth, both individually and collectively, depended entirely on their ability to manipulate financial arrangements. But I think we should probably go back and un-decide that, posthaste. Unfortunately, recent steps to increase…

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