Things I Learned in Court Today

I got to court about a minute late today, the penalty for which was having to listen to every single other case in the room be heard before mine. While this initially struck me as quite a chore, I’m ultimately…

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Kid in a Candy Store

Today is a little like Christmas, or my birthday before I got old, or going to Disneyland, or going to see a Mariners game. Today I get to tab a tournament. For those outside the debate world, “tabbing” is the…

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Ten Years Gone

It’s recently come to my attention that dreams about losing teeth are extremely common and this reminded me that the very first Introspection post ever was about a dream about teeth. Predictably, of course, the dream was actually about gaining…

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April Come She Will

New image up top. Refresh the page if you can’t see it. If you still can’t see it, well, here it is below: One of the subtler overall changes on the page, going with a relative simplicity that reflects my…

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