Go West, Young Man!

When Emily was here as an undergrad, she had unlimited printing of whatever she wanted at local computer clusters. This year, for the first time, they implemented limits on printing, which is a big part of why my distribution of…

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Leave this Website!

Not much time to post at the moment, but hopefully yesterday’s gave you something to chew on. If not, and you can’t get enough of playing Pac-Man on Google, my Dad is apparently considering selling his Pac-Man table if the…

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Emily’s Summer Plans!

I am proud to announce that Emily has secured an internship for the summer and will be spending early June through mid-August in Liberia. If you’ve forgotten which country that is, here’s a refresher: You’re Liberia! Free at last, free…

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Become a BP Fan on Facebook!

Despite my concerns with Facebook’s impact on blogging, the time has come for me to recognize that the train is leaving the station and I might as well get on board… The Blue Pyramid on Facebook Click the above to…

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Travel Wednesday Round-Up

Have been working furiously to prepare for Thanksgiving, which we’re spending in DC with Fish & Madeleine (think I got that spelling right), starting in just a few hours. Have been terribly remiss in updating things about my life, but…

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The Shorter Story

Yesterday, I completed* the first short story that I’ve written in years – possibly more than five years. Entitled Name Game, it still needs some editing before too many other people read it (hence the asterisk), but I think it…

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Summer Sojourn Tour Dates Announced!

Garage sale was a big success, though we wound up exhausted and sunburned when it was all said and done. I’m now sitting on a stepladder at our computer, but getting rid of so much furniture was a huge relief…

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2009 West Coast Farewell Tour Commences!

If you need me, I’ll be at Russ’ for the next nine days. If you’re David Kunkel, please respond to my e-mails because I’d really like to break the streak of years where we’ve just missed seeing each other. Possible…

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Ten Weeks Notice

Everything’s back out in the open. I’m leaving Glide, my place of employ for a staggering three years, on or about May 15th. Emily and I will be moving some indeterminate number of miles east (between 2,800-5,400) this summer for…

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