First of the Month

When I worked at Glide, there was continual discussion about the intramonthly rhythms of our clientele. Specifically, things were usually pretty thin at the outset of the month when people on some sort of federal or local aid received their…

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Portentious Weekend

Most of my descriptions of the past are remembered and recollected, which gives me the opportunity to discuss them in the style of my current writing, to couch them in the perspective of my present vantage point. And while that…

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Wrestling the Shark

There are a lot of metaphors out there about the pyrrhic challenges of wrestling the proverbial bear. But I think I prefer a metaphor involving wrestling a shark. For one, the shark is virtually limbless, so I like the visage…

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On Cataclysm

They say that the hardest thing about dealing with someone dying is that the rest of the world goes on like nothing happened. Apocalypse would be easier to deal with, because then at least the world would stop to recognize…

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…is going to be a good day.