I’m overdue to head back north, racing for the direction where things should be wrapped up tight in a nice little bow, or at least packed up in cardboard and covered over with tape. Progress on the move has been…
Getting Mugged
Moving is difficult. It’s not refugee-camp difficult or even traumatic-crisis difficult, which actually distinguishes it from a lot of this year, which has been harder. But it’s one of those things where the work is long and sloggy and contrasts…
A Walk in the Park
It’s been quite a week. I would like to be poetic and hip and write one of those rambly but ultimately reflective and incisive posts that I aspire to write nearly every time I sit down at this screen. But…
Confessions of an Accidental Accumulator
“I’ve been known to say that I live much of my life as though I can assume that some archivist will eventually come in and take an interest in my old papers. Granted, that archivist may just be an older…
Marching to New Orleans
You may have noticed a burst of color around here. If you haven’t noticed said burst of color, hit the “refresh” button on your browser. Ah, there we go. I’m moving to New Orleans in a little over a month.…
I Miss You Already: Glide, Maya Angelou (1928-2014), and the Ever-Renewing Past
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” -Maya Angelou, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings There is a place at Glide called the Maya Angelou Room. It’s warm and cozy and the perfect place…
Unemployment Actually Up in April, Reporting Gap Hits All-Time High
There are some more detailed posts in the work since I’ve decided I’m going to re-energize this blog and start posting again, but I think it’s time for a quick continuation of our series on the misreporting of unemployment. (The…
Violence is About Violence: Elliot Rodger and Memorial Day
Every time there’s a mass-shooting or -killing in America, which is roughly constantly these days, there is a groundswell of effort to claim the event as political leverage for or against some particular cause that those behind it attribute to…
No Jobs in January: A Glance at Seasonal Adjustment of Unemployment
I was curious to analyze the seasonal adjustment data after the last post I made about unemployment data and under-reporting from 2007-2013. Basically, seasonal adjustment follows a similar shape every year. Not the exact same shape, which is interesting, but…
Unemployment Reporting Gap Hits New High to Close 2013
Happy New Year, everyone. There haven’t been posts here for a long time, but that’s probably going to change again soon. Hopefully a lot of things will change soon. Regardless of which, a new milestone has been set: the all-time…