Today’s Photos: Delhi & Kathmandu

Day three of my eighteen-day photo tour of India & Nepal (which before today hasn’t actually featured any India or Nepal) is up on the page. More to come soon, hopefully still keeping up on the daily pace even during…

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Today’s Photo Uploads: Air Over Afghanistan

So I think I’m going to be releasing these roughly daily, which means I can keep up the pace of uploading photos without spending all my time on it and/or driving myself crazy. Today’s photos are from the 25th of…

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Back from India, etc.

Well I’m back from India, as should be relatively obvious from the recent spate of Duck & Cover updates (I missed Thursday because the internet was down), as well as the overhaul of the page theme here. It was an…

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Quicker Update from India

I’m back in an internet cafe, one with a painfully slow 33.6 Kbps that makes me yearn for the national parks of Nepal. We’re holed up in Orchha, India, a village of a scant 9,000 people with an incredible number…

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Quick Update from Nepal

Hello from Chitwan National Park in Nepal! I won’t attempt to try to describe the events of the past few days, but they have been among the most memorable in a very long time. I am currently sitting in an…

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