That West Virginia

I currently live in West Virginia. The reason this state exists as independent from regular Virginia, the Commonwealth of Virginia, the original colony of Virginia, is its refusal to secede from the United States of America in order to violently…

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Alien Nation

“I was an alien in utero somehow missed New Mexico fell to Earth in Baltimore I know” -Counting Crows, “Dislocation” Moments of relatability are so resonant because they are rare. It is hard to write about alienation without feeling like…

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White Supremacy and America’s Legacy

Hi, I’m Storey and I’m a white guy. Hi, Storey. Admitting you have a problem is the first step, right? Not being in denial that your behavior, your personhood, is contributing to the problems and detriment of those around you.…

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This Land is… Your Land?

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about how I feel about the United States of America. I suspect I am not alone in this. In fact, I know I am not alone in this. Every post on Facebook, half of…

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What We Could (Should) Have Done for Aleppo

As a pacifist, one of the most frequent criticisms I face is that I am advocating “doing nothing” in the face of atrocities near and far. There are just bad people in the world, the argument goes, who will kill…

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My Frustration Runneth Over

I may have spent too much of 2016 posting on Facebook about politics. Remember the dilemma I discussed ten days ago about working on entertaining quizzes for millions or serious books for a handful of people? That’s my only defense.…

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That’s Entertainment!

When I was in high school, I had a discussion with my father about a long-prior discussion he’d had about the state of the world in the mid-1970s. He mentioned, in passing, that his conversational partner of the time had…

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