Note to APDA Forum Werewolf Players

So I haven’t updated in a while in part because I’ve been crafting and then moderating a Werewolf/Mafia game with a whopping 45 players online on the APDA Forum. And just now, the Forum exceeded its bandwidth. This is just…

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Chaos (Theory?)

Authorities revealed Tuesday that a man carrying a loaded shotgun was arrested in January near the U.S. Capitol, and explosives left in his truck nearby went undetected for three weeks. –CNN/AP, 26 March 2008 If we all comprehended all that…

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Photo Diary of India & Nepal Update

Little is so humbling as setting slightly optimistic goals and then being bowled over with malaise and inertia. The fact is that I have found myself so overwhelmed by the online efforts I would like to produce that I have…

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Today’s Photos: Delhi & Kathmandu

Day three of my eighteen-day photo tour of India & Nepal (which before today hasn’t actually featured any India or Nepal) is up on the page. More to come soon, hopefully still keeping up on the daily pace even during…

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Today’s Photo Uploads: Air Over Afghanistan

So I think I’m going to be releasing these roughly daily, which means I can keep up the pace of uploading photos without spending all my time on it and/or driving myself crazy. Today’s photos are from the 25th of…

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Back from India, etc.

Well I’m back from India, as should be relatively obvious from the recent spate of Duck & Cover updates (I missed Thursday because the internet was down), as well as the overhaul of the page theme here. It was an…

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Country Quiz II

You’re Iran! People can’t stop talking about you these days. Even though you’re just doing what you normally do, everyone’s eyes seem to be on you wherever you go. Attention is nice, but this is starting to get a little…

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Uncollected Works

While you’re waiting for the Country Quiz II to be out (maybe tonight?), here are some random assortments to tide you over. And if you’re wondering why there hasn’t been anything big, it’s because the CQII is about to come…

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News You Can Use

Or read, at least. You probably can’t help but noticing that this page has been overhauled, as the October season wanes and is replaced by an oncoming winter. At some point I may try to institute one of those snazzy…

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