So I wrote the post earlier today and took a shower and got dressed and walked up to my train, my mind awash with thoughts of the workday to come, Emily’s offer, the parts of my teeth I would soon…
Tag: A Day in the Life
Yale Retakes the Lead
It’s been a good week. Emily got word yesterday that Yale is offering to pay her tuition for two years should we choose to move to New Haven. This is the third piece of good news in five business days…
Emily Grad School Update
I know it’s all out in the open and stuff, but I kind of liked the code system. So, at the risk of ridiculousness… ELGC-GS: 2/2 (?C, ?H, ?O, +P, +Y) No word on money yet. The postal service is…
Ten Weeks Notice
Everything’s back out in the open. I’m leaving Glide, my place of employ for a staggering three years, on or about May 15th. Emily and I will be moving some indeterminate number of miles east (between 2,800-5,400) this summer for…
Yes, I will be back to major posting sometime soonish. It is March, after all, and in force. But I am hamstrung and that limits creativity. For a variety of reasons, I have to keep many secrets in my life…
Nothing to Say Here
Let’s just say it’s a good thing that I’m not trying to write full-time right now. I just don’t have much of anything to say. I turned 29 last Friday. Emily pulled off the first surprise party I think I’d…
What Just Happened
Been a little while since I posted. I haven’t exactly had blogger’s block, but I also haven’t felt particularly like crafting any vignettes about my life either. One of those periods of time where I’m sort of glad that I…
Fifty-Four Hour Delay
I already posted on why we get sick a few months ago. The challenge of this post is to not retread that water precisely. At 3:30 this morning, I woke up and, for the first time in 54 hours, I…
The Stock Market Hates You
It’s becoming a well-documented fact that the US stock market these days is rallying on bad news and crashing on good news. But nowhere is this more evident than on days when unemployment figures are announced. Yesterday, the market rallied…
Our Month with Cancer
One month ago tomorrow, Emily and I were driving up from Fresno and talking about life and her family. We’d just spent a restful New Year’s weekend with a partial incarnation of the Garin Clan and noticed that her Mom…