Winning and Losing

Things are a lot better than they were Friday and even better than they were before. And while I can attribute a lot of that to the passage of time or mental adjustments or even a variety of positive events…

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The Case for Today

So I’m having a pretty rotten time of things generally, for a host of reasons I don’t have time to discuss. Feeling pretty debilitated overall, spiraling downward, and so on. Nothing at a panic-level, but perhaps arcing toward reasons for…

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Wildly Content

Waking up to a snowstorm, with a tournament ahead and yesterday’s great news behind, I find myself to be wildly content. It may seem like a strange state of being, to feel such a passionate sense of a relatively dispassionate…

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I didn’t think I’d make it to thirty. For a long time, I felt fairly confident about that. Over the weekend, I proved myself wrong. And I’m pretty happy about that. Since the Princeton tournament ran till 1:30 in the…

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Top Nine Highlights and Lowlights for 2009

I’m thinking about compiling one of these for the decade too, but let’s look at what made 2009 great and not so great. In summation, looking back at this year, it’s been one of those seminal and all-encompassing annums. It’s…

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Mo Mentum

The sample size is only 41 hours, but December’s been awfully good so far. I wrote another 16 pages last night (early this morning), bringing December to a startling 8,149 word count (~32.5 pages) in just two overnight sessions, or…

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Travel Wednesday Round-Up

Have been working furiously to prepare for Thanksgiving, which we’re spending in DC with Fish & Madeleine (think I got that spelling right), starting in just a few hours. Have been terribly remiss in updating things about my life, but…

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Sick But Happy

Just a quick line so that you all know I’m still around… the lack of any updates has mostly been the result of an ambiguous sickness I’ve contracted recently that I have tentatively diagnosed as potential walking pneumonia. It may…

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Assessing October

October 2009 is one for the ages. It wasn’t the spookiest October, though one could easily argue that the moment I resigned myself to death made this the literally scariest October on record. Certainly one hopes that this much abject…

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