Why I’m Not Voting for Obama

For weeks now, I’ve been one of those people that the media and the Daily Show love to both covet and scorn, demonstrating a clear fascination with their every move. I have been an Undecided Voter. And yet, it’s not…

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The Ides of October

There is a man who lives in front of the building where I work. He has been living there for well over a year. I don’t mean he’s living in a neighboring building or he lives down the block or…

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Eye of the Storm

“Eye of a hurricane, listen to yourself churn world serves its own needs, regardless of your own needs. Feed it up a knock, speed, grunt no, strength no. Ladder structure clatter with fear of height, down height. Wire in a…

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When I was young, my teeth were trying to teach me a lesson in peaceful coexistence. My adult teeth didn’t want to replace most of my baby teeth, forcing them out by coming straight down over the top of them.…

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The End of Capitalism

It wasn’t long ago that I was talking to whoever would listen about a world without money. A world after money. I got the blank stares and befuddled looks of a generation that grew up in the Reagan years. Who…

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A Snowball’s Chance on Mars

Well, I was wrong. The market didn’t go up 900 points today; only 485. (Third largest point total gain ever.) Even dead cats can only bounce so high. Or maybe it’s just waiting for official October. I woke up late…

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On Certain Tuesdays in October

Ah, you say, but it’s not October yet. Sure. I don’t know of any site that sorts stock market activity by days of the week, but I have a guess that Tuesdays are running at a substantial net loss. Not…

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Where Credit is Due

I don’t believe in credit. To crib an old line from Nikki Hay, it’s not that I don’t believe it exists or happens, it’s just that I don’t believe it really should. Or in using it myself. In my last…

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