
Yes, I will be back to major posting sometime soonish. It is March, after all, and in force. But I am hamstrung and that limits creativity. For a variety of reasons, I have to keep many secrets in my life…

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Decision 2008

I’m rapidly careening towards a decision. There’s just too much evidence, too much obviousness, too much at stake. That train’s heading nowhere good. But you knew that already, didn’t you? Call me if you strongly disagree. Or if you agree…

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These, it has been said, are uncertain times. Imagine that you are on a train. As long as you are on this train, you will be fed money at an almost alarming rate. You will be reassured. You will have…

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I Got Your April Right Here

A first day – no joke. A joke in the bathroom. A dental visit. A decision: no anesthesia. A walk home. A phone call, somewhere between banter and the most important decisions of our lives. A poker game, where a…

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Snow Chance

It’s the last day of the year called 2007. I am the last one awake in a cabin at Shaver Lake, California. Most all of the Garin Clan is here, save one component family. It is late, and there are…

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Winter World Tour 2007-2008

As I’ve often been known to say, change is the only constant. This has perhaps never felt more true than this week, which is simply over-brimming with upheaval and possibility. Forget ungainly metaphors about baby steps and windows and doors.…

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When I’m 28

My birthday isn’t for two and a half months yet, but I found myself pondering a record today and wondering when exactly (also if) I would break that record. And wouldn’t you know it, it’s the day after my birthday?…

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Save the Drama for Your Llama

When work feels like sixth grade, there’s really something wrong. I didn’t even go to sixth grade! Is this the penance I have to pay for that small feat of elusion? A house divided against itself cannot stand. So who’s…

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