Storey Defends Profit

One of the most fun aspects of debate, as well as its most educational and most challenging, is that it mandates one frequently argue persuasively for things diametric to what one actually believes. Here’s a key example, where Dave and…

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Sentient Spiders!

The first of a few rounds from Saturday’s tournament that Dave and I filmed. This is probably the second-best – our fourth round was awfully awesome and hopefully the other team, who recorded that, will get it online soon. This…

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Ramblin’ Tangents

Someone should let me know if this is too quiet to hear. There was some ambient noise and I think the computer was at a bad angle for picking up sound. I think it’s still audible, but it might not…

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Homesick Heartache Tour Preview

Happy to announce the continuation of Blue Pyramid Stories, with special focus on my upcoming roadtrip. This project could go in a million different directions, but will at least go north, south, west, and east…

Lab Work

There is a certain satisfaction to a loud keyboard, to the drone of unknown engines in the background as one plugs away at creating verbiage in the midst of a building constructed for work. One has to be careful to…

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Don’t Go

I haven’t had a lot to say the last couple days, but it’s not for lack of activity. Friends have been in New York and I went to see them, other friends came to New York and I went to…

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It Doesn’t Get Better

It’s not a new thought that hit me while I was working on the Consequences of Capitalism Quiz, but the nature of it probably hit me harder and more profoundly than similar realizations in the past. We live in a…

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Some Days are Rocks

This letter will be part of my outgoing mail today: “Today, I take you into my arms and into my heart and promise to hold you there forever. Through whatever we encounter, I promise you my unfailing love and my…

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