Go Green on Facebook to Support Muslims in America

I have a long rant about Donald Trump’s latest comments to make somewhere around here at some point, but I’m tabling that for now. Partially because so many people have a long rant about Donald Trump’s latest comments. It’s relieving…

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What I Learned on My Day with Pro-Gun Facebookers

Yesterday, my recent post on mass-shootings and the second amendment garnered a wide response on Facebook. Most of it was from people who are rabidly pro-gun. What’s kind of fascinating about the experience is that I had forgotten there were…

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The Second Amendment is Terrorism

I’m writing this in the evening following the San Bernardino mass shooting, for context to future readers who may run across this post. My guess is that the San Bernardino mass shooting doesn’t ring a bell with you, because it…

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The Conflation Problem

There is a troubling trend afoot among supporters of Hillary Clinton. In their haste to embrace her as the avatar of all women in her quest for the White House, many articles have surfaced that claim the main or only…

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Volkswagen and Corporate Impunity

“Corporation, n.: an ingenious device for obtaining individual profit without individual responsibility.” -Ambrose Bierce, The Devil’s Dictionary, 1911 The only thing shocking about the recent incident involving Volkswagen lying about the emissions of their so-called “clean diesel” vehicles is that…

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Democracy at the Crossroads

“Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.” -Winston Churchill It is the fundamental human assumption that one lives at the time of terminal understanding of the world, the universe, and human affairs. This, I think,…

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Europe’s Migrant Crisis is America’s Fault

Even in the typically self-absorbed and America-centric American press, the magnitude of the migrant crisis sweeping Europe has been the top story lately. There is something about a throng of humanity camping out in a train station because of being…

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