A Day in the Life, But the Past Isn't Done with Us, The Agony of the Wait is the Agony of Debate

I’ve Wrestled Bigger Crocs Than This

Sorting papers sure is fun… or something.

In reality, though, nestled amongst years of dust and old bills are little moments, small time machines that immediately take me back to a precise day years earlier when I saw a movie or received a gift or just wrote down a prescient thought at an important free moment.

Little brings me such joy as these pieces of paper. Which is probably why I’m spending all the time to make sure I keep the important ones – and why I saved so many unimportant ones in the first place, just to be sure. After all, someday either other people will be gone or I will and those pieces of paper will be the only strand left between us on this planet.

But in our digital age, we’re not just reliant on pieces of paper. Though I did watch part of the History Channel series on “Life After People”, which reminded me how profoundly vulnerable both our paper and digital materials are (though I guess plastic soda bottles are forever). Nonetheless, while people are still around, you can watch videos like this.

This one is the second in the series of regressing Stanford 2002 debates; this time Emily’s & my semifinal round. I think this is my mother’s all-time favorite debate round (though she was only able to attend a handful during my career), featuring a contentious clash over the fate of Peter Pan, Captain Hook, and the crocodile. It also gives you a rare opportunity to see me advocating things which I pretty much don’t agree with.


Stanford 2002 APDA Semifinal Round from Storey Clayton on Vimeo.

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