
As bad as I felt last night at this time is as good as I feel tonight. What a difference, as they say, a day makes. I have just rattled off over 3,000 words (~12 pages) tonight, in a remarkably…

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It All Makes Sense

This post is an antidote, a message in a bottle, a documentation of a sensation and a perception about the world that is here and irrevocable. It’s something that I may lose, but no one can take away from me.…

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Number Nine, Number Nine, Number Nine

Today (defined loosely as from noon yesterday till right now), I: Took delivery on a flat-screen television, which will hopefully never have network or cable TV thereon. Spoke to my parents on the phone. Listened to Barack Obama’s speech and……

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Out Here in the Fields

There is a quiet communion about the world as it is meant to be. I write this while sitting in a pasture, llamas in the distance, gentle winds overwhelming the wheaty grasses of the Central Valley of California. Not connected…

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Glide Series Finale

Last night, I had one of the most transparent dreams of my entire life. Fresh from some emotional goodbyes at Glide in real life, I dreamt that a bunch of people I knew in my life, consisting primarily of Glide…

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Our Month with Cancer

One month ago tomorrow, Emily and I were driving up from Fresno and talking about life and her family. We’d just spent a restful New Year’s weekend with a partial incarnation of the Garin Clan and noticed that her Mom…

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Cleanup on Aisle 6

Coming up from the train this morning, I walked my usual path through Powell Street Station, winding to the right and up the mini-escalator to a little landing before the second mini-escalator. On said landing were two orange cones, pretty…

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There’s this great scene in a recent great movie (The Curious Case of Benjamin Button) about timing and the house-of-cards nature of our worlds. One thing bounces just the wrong way, leading to another thing bouncing just the wrong way,…

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