Voices of Old People
(17-26 April 2001)

26 April 2001
-Wow, am I looking forward to the next few days!
-Now I'm REALLY done with Physics Lab (& labs in general) FOREVER!  Hoowah!
-So, about 2 days ago, it was really warm... in fact, it was hot outside.  Maybe the low 80's, though it probably just felt that way & was really in the mid-70's.  But today it's sunny again, just minus the warm.  Nonetheless, everyone's so hung up on it being warm & wanting spring, that they're all outside in shorts acting like it's 80, even though it's about 58 degrees.  Yikes, the delusions of east-coast drudgery.  I'd like to be in shorts too, but let's be reasonable!
-Today's housing wait-list update:  #256!  I'm climbin' the ranks, folks...
-I just got the COOLEST e-mail from a random person in Florida who worked at the Frontier before I even lived in Albuquerque & misses it greatly.  I love the web!
-Just wanted to let you all know (I just heard from Gris) that Mike Yellot died last night.  I don't know how, but I thought I'd mention it.  Sorry to report the bad news.

25 April 2001
-I just realized that the schools Zirk & I beat in octofinals & quarterfinals were Swarthmore & Stanford.  What do these 2 schools have in common?  They were the ones that wait-listed me.  Ha!  REVENGE IS MINE!
-The horror, the horror... I've joined the Quiz Community.  So, Take My Quiz!!

24 April 2001
-I could get used to nice weather.
-We're all getting turned-off to college.  Amen.

23 April 2001
-Well, it wasn't quite as good as North American Championships, but Nats provided Zirkin & I with a 3rd place, as well as speaking 9th & 10th respectively.  I'll take it.  But now I have to get stuff in order 'round here, which is no comforting task given how little time is left at school & how much I've gotta do.  Wow.
-I just feel good about life today!  That is all.

22 April 2001
[from Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania]
-Senior Speeches blew me away.  Sep & Scotty especially surprised me, but our team's respect & recognition were beyond belief.  I feel like everything I've wanted for this team has come through.  As I told the team, maybe I should resign.
-Brad & I have gotten along this weekend.  & maybe we will keep doing so.
-Overwhelmed & surreal.  Russ finally recognizes that I don't need drugs.
-3rd seed; 3rd team.  Consistency.  & I feel great.  A good Nats, for once.

21 April 2001
[from Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania]
-We're finally back to debating well as a team.  We'll see if this can carry over to tomorrow.
-The Zirkin Clan is not only enormous, but got to see 2 extremely controversial Israel cases.

20 April 2001
-Here it is again:  Nats time!  Hoooboy.  I just hope I don't hate this tournament like I have the past 2 years.  I remember Steve & I having high hopes about it & feeling miserable.  We'll just have to see.
-From yesterday's Brown Bag Tea brought to you by our Philosophy Department:  "We smart people have a problem in life - namely, that we're surrounded by morons!" --Stanley Rosen.  I must admit that I take these words to heart when entering Nationals.  One never knows...

19 April 2001
-Why am I such a schizo?  Sometimes my taste could be embodied by one of those little rubber bouncy-as-all-get-out balls that the Weidman kids used to have all over their house.  Though I wouldn't have minded consuming all of that chocolate mousse in the Library.  Don't mind me... I'll just dish out non sequiturs tonight.  Spurling could tell me if that's spelled right or not.  Case in point.

18 April 2001
-My friends rule.  All of them, in whole & in part.
-So many groovy people to hang out with today... so much fun to be had.  I just can't justify Physics in the face of that.  Can you?  I've decided that next week will be my "take academics seriously again" week, but for now I just need to uphold things I actually believe in.  This summer, I'm just gonna write.  I can feel the discipline building as my discipline for academics seeps away...
-The Weakerthans are my new heroes.
-I am the most defensive person ever.

17 April 2001
-Happy Birthday, Kate!  Guess what...
-6 hour shifts might be a bad idea.
-I am a bad person.  I am selfish.  I am a hypocrite.  I am wasting my time.

-My Mom asked me to take the directly above comment off the page.  While I'm not feeling the comments as profoundly after talking to both her & Fish & a few other people today, I still think that this page serves mostly of a record of how I feel.  Sometimes our feelings are transient.  Sometimes they're tough to confront.  Every day, I try to confront as much as possible.  & even if that's public, or difficult, or both, it's something I think helps.  I don't mean everything here to be taken as gospel, or even that seriously, but it's important to me to maintain the freshness of feeling nonetheless.


Introspection, My Worst Friend* (Current)
Ye Olde Archive (Past)

Tell me this is not the end...*

*-lyrics from an as-yet unreleased song, "The Same Old Frontiers", by SWClayton.