This Land is… Your Land?

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about how I feel about the United States of America. I suspect I am not alone in this. In fact, I know I am not alone in this. Every post on Facebook, half of…

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The Case Against Free Trade

I spend a lot of time arguing on Facebook. It comes and goes as a use of time. It’s often frustrating, but in the best moments, it feels like there’s a real opportunity to change someone’s mind. Facebook has become…

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Start Walking

By any metric, 2017 has been a great year so far. Now that I’ve said that out loud (on print), in public, it feels like a jinx. And not just because of my erstwhile belief in Mack Truck Time, the…

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Long Night’s Journey into Day

Content warning:  language, depictions of possible mental health breakdown(s). 2:49 AM.  I get a request for pickup at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel.  It’s a little too early for it to be an airport run, though I’ve had at least one person…

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The Singularity is Already Here

The Singularity is already here. It’s corporations, not computers. You’ve probably heard of the Singularity. It’s a hypothetical future event, dystopian in nature, wherein the need for human intervention in human affairs is swept aside by super-intelligent computers who self-teach,…

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Haunted City

It’s Twelfth Night. Happy Twelfth Night, everybody! Here is my favorite song about Twelfth Night: It occurs to me that posting links to things isn’t really good enough for the long-term posterity of the web. Sometimes I review old posts…

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