[Questions for God] [Archive]

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-Only in the mind...
-In your own head it is, yes... Humans can use their fantasy in the strangest ways.
-Wait a minute... I can, why didn't I think of that before?
-Life only moves forward. Look to the future, it'll be here before you know it.
-Time is a human concept of measurement. It has the same rules as all other dimensions. If you move forward two meters and then backward two meters, you didn't go back in meters and end up going zero meters, you moved through four meter. So, no, it is only possible to move through measurements in one direction. You cannot go back in time.
-Future and past do not exist. There is only now, and what you perceive as time is actually only entropy. What will be has been, and what has been will be. You have free will, but at the same time, you've already made all of your choices.

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