[Questions for God] [Archive]

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-That depends on what your definition of the word "life" is. Your existence is not interrupted by waiting to be born or the time after you die. You move seamlessly from one identity to the next that you take on Earth. Since time does not exist, these experiences do not necessarily happen in the order that the calendar would suggest. You can live one identity in the 20th century, the next in the 10th century, etc. Actually, since time does not exist, you can be living out two of those identities at the same time. Actually, since time does not exist, you can live them all out at the same time. You are living them all out at the same time, which is why it is better to be good to others, because they are actually you (and all of you together... are me).
-Most definitely.
-Do you get more than one chance to win a free game on the last hole of mini-golf?
-Would you really want to be here twice?
-Yes. There are an infinite number of earths so your infinite bodies on the infinite earths live infinite lives. Fortunately, you only can be in one of them in your entire existence.
-You better hurry and sign up. The spots are filling up quick.
-Nope. It is the ultimate probation.

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