Unofficial Debate Awards, 1998-2002
APDA has many traditions... among them is a history of giving zany or important "awards" at the conclusion of any given debate season.  Here are four that I know of... two on my team & two on the circuit at large, which are awarded respectively at the end-of-year banquets for my team & for APDA.  It is my hope that they all continue, & for posterity, I list the recipients here.

Brandeis Debate Team Awards

Most Improved Debater
This award goes to the debater who, in the opinion of the Coach, in consultation with the President and other team leaders, has improved the most over the course of the year.
Award Creator:  Greg Wilson

Year Recipient
1998 R. K.*
1999 Storey Clayton
2000 Adam Zimmerman
2001 Nikki Hay
2002 Jonathan Bernbaum
*-We don't remember R.K.'s full name - if you have it, let us know.

The Blank Flow Award
This award goes to the debater who, in the opinion of its prior recipient, best represents the blank flow.  This symbolizes a round waiting to happen, and the anticipation of really wanting to win rounds and enjoying the excitement of that debate.  It is awarded to a rising senior so that it may be awarded each year.
Award Creator:  Brad Maynes

Year Recipient
2001 Storey Clayton
2002 Sara Spurling

APDA Awards

The Bo Missonis of the Year (BOTY) Award
This award goes to the debater or debaters who, in the opinion of its prior recipient(s), best represent(s) Bo Missonis.  This symbolizes a zest for debate accompanied by a certain individuality or style, and doing the event for its own sake.  It is awarded to a rising senior or seniors so that it may be awarded each year.
Award Creator:  Bo Missonis

Year Recipient(s)
1998 Colby Tofel-Grehl
Jason Goldman
1999 Dave Riordan
2000 Andrew Sepielli
2001 Storey Clayton
Ryan Hecker
2002 Pat Nichols

The Leaky Faucet Award
This award goes to the debater who, in the opinion of its prior recipient, best represents the leaky faucet.  This symbolizes an ability to get leaks, sometimes without even trying.  It is awarded to a rising senior so that it may be awarded each year.
Award Creator:  Jordan Factor

Year Recipient
2000 Scott Luftglass
2001 Jeff Williams
2002 Arthur Traldi

Brandeis Debate
The Blue Pyramid
History @ The Blue Pyramid