Storey for Senate!

The Problem:
Students at Brandeis complain that they don't have sufficient representation.  This seat was made vacant by an individual who claimed that students had become disconnected from their government.  The Justice has subsequently demanded a greater link between the students and the Senate which claims to represent their interests.  This link is urgently needed.

The Platform:
This campaign is extremely simple.  I want to give students an authentic outlet for changing their student government.  I don't believe in representative democracy that doesn't represent the people.  Since I'm running for an at-large seat, I believe in direct representation of the students.  In other words, I will not be representing myself on the Senate, but the students at-large.

As a result, I will only take actions on the Senate which reflect the will of the student body.  You, the constituent, the student, will decide what my seat on the Senate does.

My campaign has no issues of its own, other than direct representation.  All other issues will be determined by the direct will of the student body, via direct communication.

The Plan:
I will not choose issues for Senate based on my own personal interests.  I will choose issues based on the suggestions of you, the students.  E-mail to suggest an issue and it will become part of my campaign.  If elected, I will pursue fulfillment of your goals on that issue.  Direct representation in action.

If elected, I will not vote based upon my own opinion.  I will hold a weekly referendum on issues, via e-mail to to decide what my vote will be.  All votes I cast will be based upon the e-mails I receive.  E-mails will ensure that everyone gets an equal vote (no ballot-stuffing via online polling) & an equal say in choosing what their at-large Senator represents.  E-mails are also an extremely easy way of contacting your representative - we all have e-mail access; we all can contribute to the voice of "my" vote.

The Potential:
If I am elected, it will be an election of all students to have a true voice on the Senate.  By the use of one e-mail account, you will all have equal access to voice your opinion directly to your Student Senate.  Essentially, my seat on the Senate will be shared by the entire student body, as a true form of representative democracy.  I will sit on the Senate only to directly voice your ideas, issues, and opinions.  The voice will be universal, but made more efficient by consolidation in the hands of a single Senator.

Please e-mail to voice your opinion now!

Your issues will become my issues.


Isn't it time we overthrow the status quo?
Vote Storey for Senate, a vote for your voice, not mine.

Storey Clayton for At-Large Senator
Vote 20 November 2000 (& hopefully 22 November 2000)
Direct all questions/comments/suggestions to