Where My Friends Live...
& How to Recognize Them!!

So, some folks complained about all these pictures & how long it took to load 'em all.  Now they have their own page.  Happy now?  C'mon, my friends are still beautiful people, even on this back page...

Fish goes to school in sandy San-D.  They have a cruiseship-library & weather that varies 5 degrees all year long.

Schneider lives across town.  They have lots of tall buildings, including a Stalinist-era dorm tower.  But because of the housing crisis of '98, he lived on the campus of another school freshman year!

Gris is preparing to be the best director of the 21st century in that big city on the island south of here.  He once again lives in the biggest apartment in the entire city, across the street from Conan O'Brien.

Jaque can sometimes be found at the destination of the midnight train to Georgia.  But right now he's working for the people who brought you the moon landing & other expensive projects.  He'll have a Mars Rover on your desk by 5 pm.  After his perpetually free miles on Delta run out, he's gotta get around somehow.

Shan still lives in Oregon, but no longer in that cool hippie Shakespearean town.  She went to Ireland a few summers ago, though... lucky!

has taken up residence at the "other" UMaryland, where the smart people go.  But she aspires to reside in an even more esteemed land.

Freez competes with the best of 'em down at the high-pressure engineering place in Baltimore.  But he lives just miles from the most beautiful shrine of baseball on Earth.

headed out to the happyville of the Pacific.  Regardless of which, it's a good school & he's debating now, which could require use of this friendly corporation.

Lisha goes to that snotty school across town.  But she has fun there & hangs with the band, which has an office that stands as a precise replica of the old Advocate office back in NM.  This makes us all shake our heads a little, remembering various forms of yesteryear.  Which is all very UG if you think about it.

went to our nation's capital, perhaps at the most reputable institution left in the DC area.  Hope you didn't confuse that with this lousy place.

Kunx lives under that big smog cloud in southern California.  He has a tendency to like bad teams, though, making these a necessity whenever he attends sporting events.

Eliaii shivers in the snows of upstate New York.  But he had a girlfriend for a while!  & if you believe that, well, I've got one of these for sale...

Sarah goes to Catholic school.  I feel her pain.  So does she, which is why she's spending fall semester somewhere more hospitable.  Woo hoo Windhoek.

Hass has moved out of the 18th century university, which she claims was actually founded in the 17th century.  Now she hangs out with all the girls, who she claims are actually women.  At least we agree that she misses her former place of employment.

Gemma has committed to another school in our nation's alleged capital.  Must've been that whole Girls Nation thing that convinced her.  No double-meaning intended, of course.  She, like me, would never make a decision based on the bakery!

Vet is revolutionizing the frat scene in that rocky state that was always "north" before.  This makes us all worry a little, but I guess we must trust his judgment.

Marps is living it up in southern Nuevo Mexico.  But he's always up for some A&A.

McBigot is learning how to kill people.  This makes me sad & I don't approve, but he knows as much & that's that.  I'd rather he joined this organization, but I doubt that'll ever happen.


A bunch of my friends just hang with me here at the 'Deis.  Many have been mentioned.  The folks include...

the Stini-Bopper,


Wacko Uncle Zacko,

Gregor (think Kafka's "Metamorphosis"),

Booty Cow,


the Court,

& Annana.

Not pictured but still spiffy are Benji Brandzy, Nivey-Nive, the Gard-dawg, BeckerBoy, Shwin-P, Next-Door Manor, & of course the ubiquitous "Debate Kids", who include Zirkinism, Rusty, Zim-Zim the Mayonnaise Man, Wheelchair Wilson, Bad Man Brad & many others, some of whom will join us in the coming year.  It could be you!  Also of note are the MUN-fun Crew, especially Banana, Senator Joseph Edlow, & that tall guy with glasses who I get to give flack to.  It's in my job description!

Few folks in the classes of 2000 or 1999 have had much impact on me, but I must acknowledge my graduated friend Stevie Wonder (above) for being the exception.

Some of my friends are pursuing other life essentials than university at this time.  For example, Becky's married now, which is evidence that I can't keep up with life's myriad changes.

Chaz, meanwhile, is planning to help kids rediscover the woods.  Which is a cool cause if you ask me.  He says he'll drop by school eventually, but I wouldn't be in any rush if I were him.

Other friends, like Lauren Harper, James Ou, or Pete Kamarchik, are long-lost.  Someday, I may be able to track these people down, but these days, your guess is as good as mine.

In light of recent events, I'm also trying to track down the Oregon crew, which includes such great folks as John Grotz (or Hill, depending on what mood you catch him in), Bowen Turetzky, Bobby Longo, Tony Cox, & even Cisco Treharne, who probably qualifies for long-lost.  Those were (some of) the days...

Home's Friendly, Too!